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Scottish Words
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Site Map

I know this site is a little confusing at times, and you might feel lost in the wonders of cyberspace, so I decided to make this nice little map so you can find where you want to go and discover places you haven't been.

Home : brings you back to the main page.

Updates : Find out what's new to the site.

About Me : Learn much about me, the person who runs this site. :)

Special People : Affiliates, in other words. Just some nifty people/sites I want to recognize.

All About Ew : Another one of my sites; it is a news site on Ewan:

  • Current Articles- All the recent info on the Scottish lad
  • Archive- Past news on Ewan that I've posted
  • Interviews- a collection of interviews with Ewan that I've gleaned from various sources
  • Upcoming Ewan- Info on future movies that Ewan is going to be in; includes dates of release and a little summary
  • Preview Pics- Pictures on upcoming Ewan films

Ewanography : A little biography on Ewan with a slightly different twist.

Ewanistics : Little random factoids about Ewan, such as shoe size, favorite band, and physical characteristics. I find it interesting.

Movie Scripts: Features scripts of Ewan's movies.

Film Review : A filmography/ movie review. If you can't decide whether one of his movies is worth renting, or want to check out the list to find out which movies you haven't indulged in, go here.

Pictures : A must see. *drool melt melt* I've got some of my own scans in there as well as pics from public sites-- all selected and hand-chosen by me for their beauty.

Quotes : My favorite Ewan witticisms. Includes a quote of the week.

Scottish words : If you're really a fan of the Ewan lad, you might want to check out some of the words he's probably used in his lifetime. Some are quite amusing.

Ewan Chain : A fanlisting/clique/link exchange whose aim is to link all Ewan, Moulin Rouge, Trainspotting, etc. sites together. Add your site!

Members : View all the members who have become a link in the chain.

Ewan FL's : All of my Ewan related fanlistings. Check 'um out-- they're wicked cool, and join some while you're at it.

Other FL's : Fanlistings I've joined that aren't Ewan related. It's a gathering of some of my other obsessions. Ewan, however, is my main man. :P

Webrings : A small collection of web rings this site is included in.

Quizzes : Ewan-related quizzes I've gleaned from the Internet. Try your hand at some of them.

Guardianships : My version of adoptions. You can download one from the page or e-mail me to get a custom made one.

Site Adoptions : Adoptees I've recieved from other sites.

Win an Award : Think your site has got what it takes? Apply for one of my relic awards!!! Anyone who applies will get something, I promise!

Site Awards : A proud page that contains all of the awards this site has gotten. I feel so special! Thanks again to all those who gave me one!

Links : Links to some other cool Ewan sites. Let me know if you want yours added.

Link Me : A place where you can link to Ewan Reliquary. I'd really appreciate it! :)

Legal Stuff : Disclaimer ramblings so I don't get in trouble.

That's it! Enjoy the site!
Ewan Reliquary